6 Ways To Help Website Visitors Become Customers 

Have you ever wondered why some businesses effortlessly make online sales while others struggle to convert visitors into customers? The solution lies in thoughtful web design combined with sales copy and additional elements to encourage conversions. 

Here are 6 considerations to help website visitors take the next steps towards becoming a customer. 

1. Clear Calls To Action

Web designers and digital creatives excel in creating layouts that guide visitors seamlessly toward a call to action (CTA). A CTA guides the visitor on the next step, whether to enquire for more information, book an appointment, purchase a product and so on.

A CTA may be in the form of a button, a form, or contact details, a well-designed website invites users to take the next step in solving their problems.

The sad reality is, that without a clear CTA, visitors may leave your site and never come back.

But that’s not going to be you! Your CTA’s are impactful as they have:

  • Strong colour contrast
  • The font size of 16px or above
  • Sufficient white space around the CTA
  • Actionable language
  • Ideally 3 words or less

Sufficient colour contrast ensures that CTAs stand out, capturing the visitor’s attention and increasing the likelihood of action. The text should be easy to read, which may mean a good colour contrast and sufficient text size, at least 16px or above. 

In the case of a button as a CTA, there should also be sufficient padding or space around the text and the edge or border of the button. The button should also have white space above and below it, so it’s easy to click on and stands out from the text or media around it. 

Urgency and Actionable Language

Urgency is key—using words like ‘enquire now’ or ‘get a quote’ propels users to take immediate action. Avoiding passive language such as ‘learn more’ ensures visitors stay engaged and focused on their task.

Short and Sweet CTAs

The best CTAs are concise, keeping it to three words or less. Lengthy phrases like ‘book a call to know more’ can confuse visitors, leading to a higher likelihood of abandonment. Clarity is crucial to keeping customers on task and motivated.

2. Compelling Content

One, if not the most important element, is the marketing content; the text, images and video you put on your web pages. Sales pages, allow you to address your potential customer’s problems, demonstrate or describe how you can solve them and explain why you are the best person or brand for them.

Great sales pages explain how customers will benefit from working with you/ the brand and describe the transformation. 

They use clear, descriptive headings to separate sections of the web page, which will help visitors identify what they provide and they can help. 

Unique photography, rather than stock images where possible, this will give customers a glimpse into who you are and your brand, building more ‘know like and trust’. 

3. User-Centric Navigation

User-centric navigation is all about allowing visitors to effortlessly locate the information they seek. This could involve a well-placed horizontal primary navigation bar or a clear burger menu on mobile. Intuitive layouts smoothly guide potential customers through their purchasing journey, reducing bounce rates and heightening the likelihood of successful conversions.

The navigation should allow visitors to access all of your primary pages, particularly your primary service or product category pages. 

Want to test your navigation? Think like a visitor looking for one of your key products or services, is it obvious how to find this information? If the information is buried or not easily accessible via your navigation then you may need to rethink your navigation and website architecture. 

4. Mobile Responsiveness

With the increasing use of mobile devices, thoughtful web design prioritises mobile responsiveness. Ensuring a seamless experience across various devices improves accessibility, keeping potential customers engaged regardless of their chosen platform. 

If you are designing a website, you’re likely doing it on a laptop or desktop. Don’t forget to check what it looks like on different screens, browsers and mobile devices. Ensure sufficient padding around the content so the user can scroll without accidentally pressing a link. This also helps with readability when there is sufficient padding around elements on the page. 

Likewise, ensure buttons are large enough to be able to click on without having to zoom in on mobile. 

5. Trust-Building Elements

Enhancing your online presence with supporting information is crucial in conveying to visitors that your company is the ideal choice, showcasing your expertise within your niche. 

Integration of key elements, such as client testimonials, industry certifications, and secure payment icons (especially if transactions occur through your website), collectively fosters a sense of trustworthiness.

If your company boasts accolades, holds membership in esteemed industry bodies or associations, or possesses notable qualifications, these serve as powerful signals to visitors, affirming your depth of knowledge and capability to address their needs effectively.

6. Page Load Speed

Ever landed on a slow web page? Frustrating, isn’t it?!

Don’t be that business with a slow website, fix up your site speed or higher a professional who can help you speed up your site. 

A website that loads within 3 seconds, is more likely to keep a visitor’s attention. A fast website will enable them to glide from page to page with ease and find all the juicy information they need. 

You can use tools such as GMetrix, or Pingdom to test and help you resolve issues that impede your website’s speed.

Common culprits for sluggish performance include oversized image files, neglecting to implement lazy loading for images, loading multiple fonts and an excess of files loading simultaneously. 

Addressing these issues will ensure your website operates at peak speed, providing visitors with a smooth and satisfying online experience.

Transforming website visitors into customers requires a strategic blend of thoughtful design, persuasive content, and trust-building elements. Embrace these six considerations, and empower your website to not only attract but convert visitors into customers.

Vicki Mace is a digital consultant at Insight Digital Copy in the Sutherland Shire, offering SEO and lead generation solutions to small businesses.